- Two type are well-known for their two-phase structure: olivine
LiFePO4 + spinel
- In comparison to olivine
LiFePO4, spinel
Li4Ti5O12 possesses a ‘zero strain’ property and performs Li-site switching during the phase transition,
which lead to a different phase structure
For the two-phase reactions, the two-phase interface will limit
the diffusion of Li-ions, so the electrochemical
kinetics will be dependent on the phasetransition mechanism. Although this mechanism
is inherent to the electrode materials,
it can be substantially influenced by nanosizing
the crystallites, due to the reduced miscibility gap and the increased specific surface
Olivine LiFePO4: most promising cathode materials [low toxicity, low
cost and high safety]
Spinel Li4Ti5O12: anode materials [excellent cycle ability, high rate capability, and better safety compared with carbon anodes]
II.Olivine LiFePO4
1.Phase diagram
LixFePO4 could be described as a mixture of the Fe3+/Fe2+ mixed-valent intermediate LiαFePO4 and Li1-βFePO4 phases,
where α
= 0.05 and 1-β = 0.89 for particles with
a mean size of 100 nm
(a) Open-circuit voltage versus x in LixFePO4 at 258C, where vertical lines are the monophase/biphase boundary estimated
from Rietveld refinement results of
neutron-diffraction data. (b) Phase distribution diagrams of LixFePO4 (0 < x < 1) established from temperature-controlled
XRD data
- the formation of a solid solution is almost entirely driven by electronic rather than
ionic configurational entropy in the
LixFePO4, where the electronic entropy arises as electrons or holes are localized
- However, the electron delocalization would occur at an elevated temperature
in the solid solution of LixFePO4, due to rapid hopping of the small polarons
2.Two-phase structure
(a) HRTEM image of the disordered region between two phases in
a thin Li0.5FePO4crystal, with Fourier
transforms of the indicated areas. (b) STEM high-angle annular dark field (HAADF)
image of the chemically delithiated sample
Li0.45FePO4with the analysis line and the 3D representation of EELS spectra
recorded along that line. (c) Full field TXM image of a selected crystal in a sample
with nominal composition Li0.74FePO4collected at 7080 eV, and the corresponding chemical phase map obtained
by linear combination (LC) fitting of XANES data at each pixel.
- a disordered region between two crystalline domains is induced by the stress fields accompanying
the lattice parameter mismatch
Transmission X-ray microscopy
(TXM) coupled with
X-ray absorption near
edge spectroscopy (XANES)
to produce the
chemical composition maps
for a partially
delithiated sample of
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS): investigated the redox processes of nanosized carbon-coated LiFePO4
- A continuous evolution of the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio at the surface of the particles excellently agrees with the Li content of the entire electrode upon charge and
- soft X-ray absorption
spectroscopy (XAS): studied the phase
transformation and (de)lithiation effect on the
electronic structure of
3.Phase transition models
phase-transition models are
usually established on
the basis of
the strong anisotropy
of Li-ion diffusion
- maximum entropy method (MEM): visualized the one-dimensional curved Li-ion diffusion path along the bPnmaaxis of LixFePO4
- the LiFePO4 nanoplates with crystal orientation along the ac facet show a better rate performance than that along the bc facet
- the size effect in defective LiFePO4 as the defects would block the Li migration in the one-dimensional channel
(a) 3D distribution
of Li nuclear
as blue contours
calculated by the
MEM using NPD
data measured for
Li0.6FePO4at 620 K,
where the brown octahedral represent FeO6 and the
purple tetrahedral represent
PO4 units. (b)
Schematic view of
the ‘domino-cascade’ mechanism
for the Li
mechanism in a
LiFePO4crystallite. (c) Schematic of
the shrinking-core model
to describe the
juxtaposition of phases
in the LiFePO4electrode.(d) The
hybrid phase-transition model
as a combination
of the domino-cascade model
and the core-shell model to
describe the micro-particle of
olivine LixFePO4
- For the LixFePO4 nanoparticles: the phase transition is considerably faster than the nucleation process => proposed the ‘dominocascade’ mechanism for the Li deintercalation/intercalation in a LixFePO4 crystallite [the interfacial zone moves rapidly, like a wave, through the crystallite in the a direction]. The two-phase configuration would mainly be determined by the poor kinetics of Li-ion diffusion in the Li2O solid electrolyte, instead of the strong anisotropy of olivine LiFePO4
- For the big or the secondary particles: the two-phase configuration is not only determined by the anisotropy of olivine LiFePO4, but also the kinetics inside the particles
‘core-shell’ model : explain the asymmetric behavior and the path-dependence during the electrochemical processes of LixFePO4 electrodes
- the nucleation and growth of a new phase governed the electrode kinetics under a small
potential step applied to large particles
4.Many-particle electrodes
(a) Two possible
scenarios of new
phase formation in
a many-particle system. (b)
& (c) Hysteretic
behavior generated by
an electrode with
10 and 1000
storage particles. (d)
PED phase map
acquired within the
partially charged sample
as Li0.25FePO4 and
(e) the corresponding
orientation map, where
color coding is
given below each image. (f)
State-of-charge mapping obtained
via scanning transmission
X-ray microscopy for
LixFePO4electrode powder dispersed
by sonication. Outlined
in white are
particles in which
two phases coexist
within the same
- the individual particles
were charged oneby-one
rather than all
of the particles
- a saw-like chemical potential profile for few particles and the smoothed potential for many particles as Firgure b [this phenomenon is due to the non-monotone relation between the chemical potential and the Li mole fraction of a single particle]
precession electron diffraction (PED) : obtained LiFePO4and FePO4 phase mapping at the nanometer-scale on a large number of particles of sizes between 50 and 300 nm in a
partially charged cathode as Firgure d & e
the rate of initiating the phase transformation in a particle is much slower than the rate of completing the phase transformation
5.Strain accomodation
(a) Free energy including coherency strain energy for two-phase coexistence for the various morphologies as homogeneous, incoherent twophase mixture, the periodic two-phase morphology I and II. (b) Simulated Li0.5FePO4 microstructures: Phase boundaries align along (1 0 1) planes to minimize elastic coherency strain (left) and loss of coherency in the (0 0 1) direction causes the stripes to form along (1 0 0) planes (right). (c) Diffraction patterns of Li0.5FePO4(black) and Li0.5Fe0.85V0.1PO4(red), insert shows magnified (2 0 0) diffraction peaks of triphylite and heterosite phases